Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday August 11th

By: Meg Sneed

Today waking up was a challenge, I am not sure if it was the sore feet, the aching back, or the fact that it was only 430am... but our hearts overrode our bodies once again and we pushed through.

We started Tuesday at a Catholic Mass bright and early in Chandler, Arizona. After mass and some tape for our blistering feet we were on our way. Our first stop was Chandler City Hall where we were able to meet with City Officials including the City Manager. The conversation was excellent, open dialogue and an openness by all parties lead to some discussions around love and families. The City Manager and Vice Chair of the Humans Relations Committee both thanked us for our approach and said that the continued use of the words "marriage equality" really struck a cord for both of them.

As we trekked on to lunch the heat began to blaze down on our backs, but with songs and stories to pass the hour we were able to make it through the heat and into the AC for a nice little break.

We finished out the day in South Tempe with just enough time for a quick shower before heading off to our night time event, 1n10.

For me 1n10 is something very close to my heart, I attend the group what seems like a lifetime ago. It opened my eyes to a world and community of loving and caring people, one that provided hope and comfort and helped me become the person I am today.

We were able to speak to the youth about our journey and answer their questions about why we walk. It was a great opportunity to relax and enjoy the moment with an amazing group of young people.

Today was hard, the walk was long, and the sun was hot. But we walked, we walked for all those who can't, and for all those couples who are denied the right to love. We walked for all those GLBTQ people who dream of the day they will fall in love and the day that they will want to commit their lives to someone else. And we walk for hope of a better tomorrow, one where we are not judged by who we love, but by who we are. A tomorrow where we all can be affirmed under the constitution that we know to be true. And until that day we will continue to walk, because no amount of pain, and no amount of heat is nearly as bad as being denied 1,138 rights simply based on who you love.

Daily Total: 14.3

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